For Love of the Game - 1999
"You are not a groupie Jane." |

For Love of the Game is a love
story more then just another baseball movie. It is about Billy Chapel, 18 year veteran for the Detroit Tigers after
he has been told that the owner has sold the ball club and he is to be traded. This is just the beginning of one of
the worst days in his life. The owners have sold his beloved Tigers and Jane, his most serious, even though on again,
off again relationship of five years, is leaving him for a job in London.
This whole movie takes place during one ball game.
Billy flashes back to five years before when he met Jane. He relives their whole relationship and what it really means to
him after she now that in all likelihood has dumbed him for a job. But he realizes that that is what he has done to
her in the past five years, the Tigers were always first, ahead of Jane, ahead of Billy. Even after
a severe laceration to his pitching hand, all Billy wanted to was pitch again.
You will cry at the ending but it won't be because
you are sad.

His best friend has gone to the Yankees |

Real time pitch in the last regular season game. |