Kevin Costner: A Man and His Films
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Kevin's Filmography - 2004-1993 - Page 1
Kevin's Filmography - 1992 - 1987 Page 2
Kevin's Filmography - 1986 - 1982 Page 3
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Open Range
3000 Miles to Graceland
Thirteen Days
For Love of the Game
Message in a Bottle
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Wyatt Earp
A Perfect World
The Bodyguard
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Dances With Wolves-Pt. 1 Lt. John Dunbar
Dances With Wolves - Pt. 2 The Sioux, Learning Lakota
Dances With Wolves - Pt 3 Dances With Wolves Loves Stand With A Fist.
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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves-1991


I love this movie. I don't and have never cared what critics say about a movie, whether Kevin had a British accent or not. It was much easier for us Yanks across the Pond to understand Robin. And for anyone who really cares not one of the American actors used one either, that includes, Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, nor Mary Elizabeth Masterantonio

The opening scene of this movie is much like the opening scene of Dances With Wolves after a battle with there is much despair  Robin and Peter, Marion brother and Robin's life long friend have been captured in the Cursades. Robin and Peter escape and along with them a condemned Moslem prison Azeem. But Peter doesn't make it, Peter is killed by an arrow as they escape through the sewers.  As he is dying he gives his family ring to Robin telling him to watch over Marion for him.

Robin returns to Locksley to find that his father has been killed and his lands taken for blasphemy. Now Robin sets out to clear his father's and his name.

Alan Rickman is the Sheriff of Nottingham and to me he is one of the best villians in the business. My favorite line in this movie ( I wait for Rickman to say it everytime) is when Robin has escaped his men again, the Sheriff of Nottingham in a rage says to one of his servants, "That's it no more table scrapes to the wretched and orphans. No more merciful beheadings and cancel Christmas."

The movie is about a man's attempt to recover his name all the time he is looked at as a spoiled brat.  Robin escapes the Sheriff's men and the only place for him to hide is Sherwood Forrest.  Sherwood Forrest is believed to be haunted, but Robin sees it is not haunted but it is a harbor for all of the villagers who  are wanted by the Sheriff for various reasons but primarily not paying taxes. 

Robin takes it upon himself to teach them to fight and live in the forest.  These sets that were built for Sherwood Forrest are unbelieveable. After another band of burned out villagers arrive and then it is all out war with Nottinghams men to preserve the throne for King Richard's return. This consists of elobrate highwaymen tactics to steal the thing that Nottingham needs to take over the throne.  Money, gold and jewels.  The Sheriff of Nottingham wants to gain a place in the royal court.  His plan is to kill Robin and marry Lady Marion, a cousin of the King.

The last scene of Robin and Marion marrying in Sherwood Forrest is one of the most beautiful set designs I have ever seen.This scene had always been my favorite ending in one of Kevin's movie until this year's Dragonfly ending.  And the surprise guest that isn't credited being King Richard. Well if you haven't seen this one go out and rent it and find out the ending.
